AND ...

Take Back Your Life

Inside we know that something is very wrong. Deep in our core, we know that there is something off with the world and with us. We feel that we are opposed and oppressed by an invisible enemy.

This enemy has stunted our heart’s growth, causing us to believe that we are less than and not good enough.

He has stifled our passions and our understanding of who we are so that we are not living as the already victorious one that we are.

He has lied to us about our true identity and is actively working against us finding out the powerful, amazing, redeemed and loved woman Christ died to make us.

We were made to be more than we have been allowed to be.

We hear the cry deep inside to answer our call to be more, but the propaganda of the enemy competes and often wins. So, we live a much smaller life than we should.

We just need to undo the lies about who we are so that we can embrace the real truth. And it WILL set us free.

Like William Wallace, we need to cry out for freedom and not settle for servitude.

It is time to battle for your heart and know that you cannot lose. In this ebook, am going to show you how.



Get your copy of the ebook


Say goodbye to feeling stuck and frustrated. It's time to take control of life and unlock the potential within.

  • Heal from trauma permanently

  • Reclaim your true self

  • Shatter old, limiting beliefs

6 reasons why you should buy the ebook

"Take Back Your Life" right now:

The intensive therapy program has saved my life.

I am so blessed to continue to work with Kim through my therapy and couldn’t be anymore joyful after this last weekend.

The intensive work that was put into one weekend saved my life. I found meaning and purpose and want to be alive. My love and understanding of God is so strong. I couldn’t be any more thankful during this time.

I'm still stunned!

I couldn't have been more skeptical but I also couldn't take the pain anymore. I'd been in counseling before and it didn't change anything. So, why would this weekend intensive thing work?

Well, it did! I'm still stunned. Those memories that haunted me don't bother me at all now. Instead, when I do think about them, and it isn't often, I just feel the peace of Christ. I am forever grateful for what Dr. West has done for me. I am healed and free!

A hope and a future

The sessions I had with Kim were amazing! I started out with no hope and ended with a tremendous amount of hope, seeing my future differently and with a plan.

She encourages, empathizes and is compassionate. Always pointing us to Christ. God is using Kim in a mighty way no doubt about that and God has truly gifted her with the ability to speak truth in such a short time.

I could heal from my past in just a few days...

My friends keep commenting on how different I am since the weekend breakthrough. I feel different too.

If I had known I could heal from my past in just a few days I would have done this years ago. Better late than never, right? Thank you, Kim. You have changed my entire future.

It's amazing to live in joy!

Every day I wake up so grateful and aware of His intimate presence in my life! Now I no longer feel I have to look over my shoulder & wonder if I'm "doing enough" or "being enough" to please Him. God gets all the praise and glory for the work He has done.

It's amazing to live in Joy!

Free as a bird

I walked into the weekend intensive with the weight of the world on my shoulders and walked out free as a bird.

God is so good and Dr. Kim is an amazing counselor.

About the Author

Kim West PhD, MDiv.

I'm Dr. Kim West and I’ve been doing what others say can’t be done for two decades – unleashing rapid, permanent healing for trauma, abuse and mental roadblocks.

No years of therapy. No tolerable recovery, just removing all obstacles to being a true and joyful disciple of Jesus Christ.

Often, I am serving those most hurt by the world – those who have experienced severe trauma and abuse - and helping them to find complete healing from the pain and the memories.

After they receive healing, they are ready to step into their true and powerful calling.

Combining my Doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Counseling with my Master of Divinity and twenty years of success-based counseling, I have brought real healing and true freedom to hundreds of clients.

"Take Back Your Life - find healing and freedom in Christ: Unlock Your Potential and Discover a Life of Limitless Possibilities."

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